
Salma Ikbarieh Ikbarieh itibaren 05900 Göynücek/Amasya, Türkiye itibaren 05900 Göynücek/Amasya, Türkiye

Okuyucu Salma Ikbarieh Ikbarieh itibaren 05900 Göynücek/Amasya, Türkiye

Salma Ikbarieh Ikbarieh itibaren 05900 Göynücek/Amasya, Türkiye


Wonderful. Prescient. Airborne toxic event. Dylar. Hitler Studies. DeLillo is God.


I wanted so desperately to love The Celtic Dagger but that never happened. There were times just as I thought I had a grasp on something the writer moved away from that scene. Not to tantalise I felt but just to move the book along. I did want to find out who the murderer was so I stuck with it.


I read this book.