
Academic Technology Dept Technology Dept itibaren Modapa, West Bengal, Hindistan itibaren Modapa, West Bengal, Hindistan

Okuyucu Academic Technology Dept Technology Dept itibaren Modapa, West Bengal, Hindistan

Academic Technology Dept Technology Dept itibaren Modapa, West Bengal, Hindistan


I would've given this book a 3 if it hadn't been for the ending. Frankly, I'm not a big fan of Grogan's writing style in that it feels very artificial - kind of like that kid in English class who would try to write "creatively" but you knew he was just recycling the usual cliches and using the thesaurus. Well, I guess his writing's not THAT bad, after all, he writes for a living, but nonetheless that's the way it read to me. But if you've ever been blessed enough to have a dog in your life, you can't help but empathize and enjoy the various anecdotes. And despite my misgivings over his writing, I still teared up when I thought of the stories in relation to my own DD, who's getting quite old himself. All in all a good read, more for the content rather than the style.