
itibaren Piwaki, Polonya itibaren Piwaki, Polonya

Okuyucu itibaren Piwaki, Polonya

itibaren Piwaki, Polonya


I tried reading this once. None of the plays even remotely caught my interest.


While it is clearly catering to a conservative audience, it is still an interesting and entertaining read.


I loved this book. The only reason for four stars is that I can't truly live by the principles: they're prescriptive and fairly rigid. However, the overall ideas are fantastic, and it's the best book on nutrition (prescriptive, anyway) that I've read. Her approach is all about keeping blood sugar levels as even as possible: have a protein with your carbs, keep carbs in moderation (not Atkins "moderation"), and don't take any stimulants. All about not raising insulin levels, avoiding avoidable diseases, and being healthy.


ثلاثية غرناطة ! لن ينصفها وصف.. لغتها تعريف الجمال،، دقة وصفها آسرة.. ومشاهدها إلى الروح أقرب ♥ لم أشعر بتقليب الصفحات فقد كنت في دنيا غير هذه الدنيا :)) أما المعنى ولا أسمى آلمتني في كل مرة تسأل فيها "أين العرب والمسلمون؟" منذ 1200 سنة وحتى اليوم نتساءل.. أما آن لنا أن نتحرك! تستحق أن أعيد قراءتها مرة ومرتين.. وعشرة