
Ha Tam Tam itibaren 273 95 Frörum, İsveç itibaren 273 95 Frörum, İsveç

Okuyucu Ha Tam Tam itibaren 273 95 Frörum, İsveç

Ha Tam Tam itibaren 273 95 Frörum, İsveç


You know how in college you'll cram two or three things that are sort of related into a paper and because they're only sort of related you have to spend a lot of time and ink explaining and reassuring their relation (is this just me)? This is the book version of that. Ms. Gelardi gets a lot of mileage out of the phrase "Her world was shattered." The Queen of Spain bears a hemophiliac son and subsequently her husband cheats on her a lot with hookers? Her world was shattered. The Queen of Romania's son runs away from his regiment, impregnates two women, marries inappropriately, then removes himself from the secession? Shattered. The Tsarina of Russia is shot and stabbed along with her whole family? Shattered world. Why is being murdered equivalent to being related to sexual misadventurers, you might ask? Because... they're all DESCENDED FROM VICTORIA. Duh.