
Abbas Alsaleh Alsaleh itibaren Tayvan, 桃園市蘆竹區中福里 itibaren Tayvan, 桃園市蘆竹區中福里

Okuyucu Abbas Alsaleh Alsaleh itibaren Tayvan, 桃園市蘆竹區中福里

Abbas Alsaleh Alsaleh itibaren Tayvan, 桃園市蘆竹區中福里


6-7 yaşında bir çocuk olarak bu kitabı gerçekten çok beğendim.


bu kitabı çok sevdik! Güzel yazılmış ve zorlayıcı buldum. Her iki yılda bir okuyorum ve yine de her seferinde keyif alıyorum.


Eğer Miller'in pasajlarla dolu ya da doktrin ve teolojinin derin ve nüanslı pasajlarıyla dolu bir yazı arayan Miller'i alırsanız hayal kırıklığına uğrayacaksınız. Fakat kitaba, bir insanın iman yolculuğuna dostça ve esprili bir şekilde söylendiği gibi yaklaşırsanız, Blue Like Jazz'dan keyif alacaksınız. Kuşkusuz kitaba çok Muhafazakar Evanjelik altkültürümden biraz korkuyla yaklaştım. Miller, muhafazakar Hıristiyanların çoğunu kıl haline getirecek fikirler, terimler ve politik bakış açıları kullanıyor ve bazı "kutsal ineklerin" Cumhuriyetçilik tanrısallığın yanındadır. Ancak Miller sizi kitabın fiyatına değecek bir yolculuğa çıkaracak ve İncil'e hangi bagajı attığımız hakkında çok yararlı ve dokunaklı sorular soracaktır. Kitapta, Miller'ın Kutsal Ruh hayatında çalışırken yeniden düşüneceği şeyler var mı? Muhtemelen, ama umarım siz ve ben de söylenebilir. Kitabı potansiyel olarak bir arayıcıya ya da bir grup düşüncesine abone olan küçük C "hıristiyanlığı" tarafından kapatılan birine verebilecek kadar beğendim - zihniyet asimile edilmeli. Miller, teolojik ya da doktriner gerçekler üzerinde kesin bir inceleme olarak yazmadı ... Bunu, izleyen dünyadan önce biraz daha alçakgönüllülük ve daha cesur bir tanıklık ihtiyacını ifade etmek için yazdı.


Bu kitabı çocukken okudum ve sevdim. Yıllar sonra Narnia'nın ne kadar dindar olduğunu fark etmedim. Bu, dinin dünyaya verdiği en iyi şeylerden biridir. h


Thanks, Crystal for bringing it by. It is very interesting so far. Hey, when I looked it up, it looks like there's a sequel. But you all knew that already...


As sixteen-year-old Claire’s newly-revealed psychic abilities bring unwelcome attention from Watchers, Alec, a Watcher grown tired of having to eliminate descendants of his angelic forefathers, has fallen in love with Claire while hiding out at her school, unaware that she is a Nephilim, a half-angel. Hey and he has a Scottish accent :) don't you just like guys with accents :) This story sounds familiar, its like I've read it before. I've notice that every time someone tries to speak they get interrupted by somebody. Its always ' what I meant to tell you the other day was.... interruption'. ' I open my mouth to tell him/her how I really feel - I like y.... Interruption' lol,,, would someone just say something... Please I think that Claire and Alec are so adorable together :) but I am going to say that I found this book a like too slow and boring, nothing too exciting happened, I guess it was more of a paranormal romance than a actiony type of book. It was cute though. I didn't know that it was going to be a series, I'm still not really sure. It was kind of like an unfinished ending. Vincent is still alive, the Fallen are still going to come after Claire, her dad could still be alive, and she found out that Helena was actually her grandmother. So there's still alot left to happen. Oh yeah Claire friends, Erica and Brian were both cool, but I had my eye on them, and Neil Mr. Perfect, you can't really trust people in these types of books lol. It was cute but I think more could've happened. Oh and thanks to the authors I now love the songs 'You've Got to Hide Your Love Away' by The Beatles :) and 'Stick With Me Baby' by Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. :)


Actually I'd like to give it many stars.


Not nearly as good as I expected it to be. I've read only one other book by C.E. Murphy ("Heart of Stone") and it was erudite, respectful, a little run-of-the-mill, but GOOD. This book disappointed on every level... most aggravating, though, were the many nagging details that never managed to make sense. From the premise - a queen who has managed to bear a bastard daughter who acts as her spy, all without anyone suspecting - to a main character with a long wig of her own hair, despite having worn it short since she was ten years old (WTF? Where did the hair come from?) - to a "brilliant" spy and assassin who can read people's minds but doesn't seem to have any tool in her arsenal of manipulation other than gratuitous sex. Despite that, it was very readable, if annoying.


I found this book after my run with Twilight ended. It was on a list of suggested books to read if you liked the series, so I picked it up. It sounded interesting. I definitely wasn't disappointed. This is an action-packed book full of twists and turns with the flip of every page. I didn't want to put it down and always had a hard time finding a place to stop! Some of the logistics in the book are a little unoriginal, but overall its a good beginning to what I hope is going to be a good series. We'll see if the rest can stand on their own.


I have a love/hate relationship with Dickens because he bores me to tears, but his stories are wonderful. Pip's journey and evolution is a great story that I wanted to read more about and snuck into every following chapter before I had to put it down. What annoys the hell out of me is the way that Dickens tells the story, which is nothing short of ridiculously detailed. I dig that he's good at that and it's all part of the deal, but it's not a personal favourite of mine so I won't be rushing out to read a whole bunch of Dickens all at once anytime soon. Mad respect though, he tells a great story.


Weird, gloriously, dangerously weird. If you liked "David Boring" but disliked how traditional and restrained it was, "Velvet Glove" is the answer. It can't really be explained, only enjoyed.