
Xin Jiang Jiang itibaren Venansault, Fransa itibaren Venansault, Fransa

Okuyucu Xin Jiang Jiang itibaren Venansault, Fransa

Xin Jiang Jiang itibaren Venansault, Fransa


I believe this was the first Seton book I ever read. It prompted me to read all of her others. Wonderful historical fiction. I have recently been prompted to reread some of her works to see if they are as good as I remembered them to be.




This book literally put hundreds of feelings I've never been able to express to paper. Occasionally, I found myself not being able to relate to the author's analogies, as he is more of an outdoorsman (and I hate the outdoors), but other than that, a tremendous book.


*Reverse Mentoring* from Earl Creps' *How Young Leaders Can Transform the Church and Why We Should Let Them* positive impact in marketing arenas could be encouragement for churches to take the leap into implementation. from Network of Executive Women regarding http://www.newonline.org/news/42483/R... Reverse mentoring: *Among the key points the industry executives have learned in their relationships with younger employees: Members of Gen Y and Gen X rank work/life balance more important than their Baby Boomer colleagues and use technology as an enabler to help them get their work done. "Boomers tend to look at technology like Blackberries as status symbols of rank versus tools to get the job done more efficiently and effectively,” Freitas noted. Added Richardson: "At Clorox we focus on communicating clear expectations and goals and then we get out of the way, so our employees can accomplish the work in the best way they see fit.”* certainly this is advice from which church leadership, amongst others, would benefit. *The panel discussion closed with advice for employees of all generations who want to get along better with the colleagues: Become a better listener, be flexible and carefully communicate across the generations in a manner that resonates with them. While Boomers may like a formal thank you note on stationary, a Gen X or Gen Y is happy to receive a Tweet. "We all know diverse work teams consistently outperform non-diverse teams,” Toth said. "A reverse mentoring program encourages multiple opportunities for idea sharing, is low cost and can involve anyone in your organization. Just remember, no one is too old to stop learning or too young to start teaching!” *


Not as good as book one but still entertaining.


It was only supposed to be a short nap in her stasis tube, but it will take sixty-two years for Rose to open her eyes again. Her parents are dead, the boy who kissed her awake is a stranger and the world she wakes up to is one that couldn't be more foreign. The story of Sleeping Beauty has always been among my favourite fairy tales, so I gave A LONG, LONG SLEEP a go. Sadly, it wasn't at all as I'd imagined it. The futuristic world A LONG, LONG SLEEP is set in feels inconsistent and was completely unfulfilling just as its plot. I pitied Rose most of the time, none of her relationships to other characters did catch my attention and her love story (or better non-romance) with the mystery boy who kissed her awake is terribly dull. Maybe Rose's story could've been stronger if it had been planned for two or three books instead of a standalone. 2/5 ** A LONG, LONG SLEEP - A Sleeping Beauty re-telling lacking the entrancement of its original inspiration. This almost felt alien since it couldn't be further away from the original tale than the story that Anna Sheehan wrote. I guess she attempted a brave approach, but at no point did A LONG, LONG SLEEP feel like a story I'd want to read again.