
Tomaz Mrevlje Mrevlje itibaren Horns Cross, Bideford, Devon EX39 5QQ, İngiltere itibaren Horns Cross, Bideford, Devon EX39 5QQ, İngiltere

Okuyucu Tomaz Mrevlje Mrevlje itibaren Horns Cross, Bideford, Devon EX39 5QQ, İngiltere

Tomaz Mrevlje Mrevlje itibaren Horns Cross, Bideford, Devon EX39 5QQ, İngiltere


I really like this book. I like Dexter's character, the bad boy who slowly infiltrates himself into Remy's lifestyle. She's not used to people like him, but soon she just can't not think about him. I think that's how good relationships should startt.


This is an author I will, hopefully, read again and again. The subject matter (hemispatial neglect) is compelling. Genova writes without cliche, but with a strong sure voice. I especially appreciated the parallels between Sarah (the main character) and her son Charlie who is diagnosed with ADHD. They each find unconventional ways to work around or through their issues.


Fun series that took me back to my Disney days. I will definitely share these with my son when he is old enough. Recommended by Jan. B+ rating.


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"Fun" old-fashioned detective story -- Wycliffe questions and questions and in a Perry Mason-type ending, confronts the guilty party, with no actual hints thruout the book as to where all was leading -- so many could have been guilty!