
Karie Jamison Jamison itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Karie Jamison Jamison itibaren Texas

Karie Jamison Jamison itibaren Texas


I read this in one day, finishing it with a feeling of deep regret and profound relief. Or is that deep relief and profound regret? On the one hand, I once again could hardly put it down, and my stomach was twisted with nerves all day at work, even when I was reading it. I was afraid of finishing it, yet I couldn't not finish it. I was anxious for the characters and how it would end, but also afraid of finishing it because then, well, it would be finished.


My favorite Agatha Christie. I decided to read it again after many years, but should have left it alone. You can't go back again on a mystery, especially a great one.