
Clayton Gooding Gooding itibaren Betungan, Selebar, Bengkulu City, Bengkulu, Endonezya itibaren Betungan, Selebar, Bengkulu City, Bengkulu, Endonezya

Okuyucu Clayton Gooding Gooding itibaren Betungan, Selebar, Bengkulu City, Bengkulu, Endonezya

Clayton Gooding Gooding itibaren Betungan, Selebar, Bengkulu City, Bengkulu, Endonezya


read this after hot water music and got sick of it quickly. It is a novel compared to the collection of short stories in hot water music. The characters are essentially the same but you get four times as much of them. it was beating a dead horse, or hitting my head into a wall for hours on end.


i was really into this. what an incredible story teller. Also always felt like he was way smarter than me, and that half the stuff he referenced I had never heard of before...maybe he made it al up.


Fantastic! Wonderfully imagined and beautifully written.