
Ricardo Gomes Gomes itibaren Tetela del Río, Gro., Meksika itibaren Tetela del Río, Gro., Meksika

Okuyucu Ricardo Gomes Gomes itibaren Tetela del Río, Gro., Meksika

Ricardo Gomes Gomes itibaren Tetela del Río, Gro., Meksika


I can not believe that I am admitting to have read these books. I was turned onto the first book by a co-worker and truthfully could not put the book down. The reason that it was such an eager read was because the writer knows how to play on a woman's desire for sexual tension and chivalry but that was about all that she could do with her writing. After reading the first book I had to know if the tortured Edward and sullen Bella were to end up together. So, I completed all of the books. First book is a wonderful "dessert" book, the second is a lengthy waste of time, the third a continuation of the second but with more sexual tension and the fourth a cross between a teen romance novel and the X-Men. If you have time to waist...worth the read.


Another good one by Alice Sebold. Dark but a beautiful story. Also centers on rape and how it tears a family apart. I couldn't put it down.