
Kris Miklos Miklos itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Kris Miklos Miklos itibaren Texas

Kris Miklos Miklos itibaren Texas


Once again, we find Eddings using the fantasy epic to build strong foundation blocks for the adventure our heroes are undertaking. We are given further background into the mysticism and politics that hold such precedence in this world as well as meeting new characters who add a whole new level of depth. Truly brilliant!


This is a novel I will never forget. The incandescent beauty of his writing has left me almost speechless. In exquisitely crafted language Nabokov charts the doomed obsession of a narcissistic psychopath and his “Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul." Nabokov says in his postscript in my copy that he "detests symbols and allegories". I read this novel without trying to delve deeper into hidden meanings beyond that of the tightly spiralling plot of the abuser and the abused, the prisoner and jailor - who ultimately becomes imprisoned himself by his obsession. We as readers observe every thought, impulse, act of HH - we become the voyeur. This is a novel one needs to read again, and again.


good thoughts, don't know if it was all real, don't really care. a good book


Another silly girly book... fun if you're looking for a not-too-heavy beach read.