
Arnaud Burick Burick itibaren 71019 Macchia di Mauro-pilone FG, İtalya itibaren 71019 Macchia di Mauro-pilone FG, İtalya

Okuyucu Arnaud Burick Burick itibaren 71019 Macchia di Mauro-pilone FG, İtalya

Arnaud Burick Burick itibaren 71019 Macchia di Mauro-pilone FG, İtalya


This book was worth the hype! You join Amir as he reflects back on his life and childhood growing up in Afghanistan. I love how Amir is perfectly aware of his flaws - selfishness and cowardness being the big ones. I was so excited to figure out what was going to happen to him and his childhood friend, Hassan... really, it's not a very uplifting story, but it was lovely and well written nonetheless.