
itibaren Central Rambang Kapak, Prabumulih City, South Sumatra, Endonezya itibaren Central Rambang Kapak, Prabumulih City, South Sumatra, Endonezya

Okuyucu itibaren Central Rambang Kapak, Prabumulih City, South Sumatra, Endonezya

itibaren Central Rambang Kapak, Prabumulih City, South Sumatra, Endonezya


A really helpful guide to discerning "aloneness"


This wasn't the best royal biography I have read, but it was OK. As with anything ever written about Prince William this book begins by recounting the marriage of Charles and Diana, William and Harry's early childhood, their divorce, and her tragic death, however, it seemed like it spent much more time on that than it should have considering it's called "William and Kate". I also didn't like how obvious it was that the author knew nothing about Kate's early childhood other than straightforward facts such as where she went to school. But rather than simply owning up to not knowing her story the author made up far fetched situations of Kate pining for William and being jealous of his girlfriends far before they ever met. My final criticism is that it didn't read like a story so much as it was an ordered list of facts. Perhaps more time could have been spent to create some sort of flow between the passages.