
Jhonas Almeida Almeida itibaren Sainte-Eulalie, Fransa itibaren Sainte-Eulalie, Fransa

Okuyucu Jhonas Almeida Almeida itibaren Sainte-Eulalie, Fransa

Jhonas Almeida Almeida itibaren Sainte-Eulalie, Fransa


The design of the book is quite nice. I enjoyed the segments on each of the different laws and thought the examples or famous leaders, warriors, kings, queens, princes, etc. were all very interesting. I really like that the Greene included reversals and warnings for each of the laws. Maybe it is to be expected, but there were many contradictions from one law to another. One law either completely contradicts or partially one or more of the others. For entertainment and a tool to ponder, it's a good read. You can use it like a bibliomancy too. Ask yourself a question and randomly open to a passage or a law, read it aloud then ask yourself - how does this apply or how could this (and the reversal) apply to my question. It's a bit of fun. Still, worthwhile at the remainder price for the historical and mythological anecdotes.