
Ruben Clavijo L Clavijo L itibaren 31010 Case Pellizzer TV, İtalya itibaren 31010 Case Pellizzer TV, İtalya

Okuyucu Ruben Clavijo L Clavijo L itibaren 31010 Case Pellizzer TV, İtalya

Ruben Clavijo L Clavijo L itibaren 31010 Case Pellizzer TV, İtalya


** spoiler alert ** Please!! whoa has read the end?? That was no ending! Elena and the other ghosts fight him and he (I forgot his name) backed down. Suddenly Elena comes back to life and stephen and elena are back together. Ow, I forgot Katarina died. This character came in, I don't know, 50 pages and then she died. I didn't like al the endings, but the writing was good, but still the writer ruined it. It was to rainbows, butterflies and ponys. It was like I was reading the new book of barbie.