
Roroll Liu Liu itibaren Nové Zámky, Slovakya itibaren Nové Zámky, Slovakya

Okuyucu Roroll Liu Liu itibaren Nové Zámky, Slovakya

Roroll Liu Liu itibaren Nové Zámky, Slovakya


ürpertici Boston. hafta sonu için uygun.


Sadece okumayı bitirdim ve kitabı duvara atmak için zorlayıcı bir erg vardı! Snyder, sen kötüsün! Nasıl böyle bitirebilirsin! Tam inceleme yerleşmek zaman gelmek ....


The creators of this project, Fourth Story Media, I think are brilliant. I heard them talk about The Amanda Project at a DIY conference a few years ago. It's meant to be a high-concept immersive project...not a stand-alone book. The first book in the (I believe?) 8-book series, does a great job defining characters and their histories while setting up what seems to be a great mystery arc. Fans of Veronica Mars must read! It felt like one episode of that TV series. If only the rest of the books could be released one week after another!


my least favorite of Herman Wouk's books.


أروع رواية قرأتها على الإطلاق ليست كأي حكاية ، إنها حكاية تُربي العقيدة "نور" الطفل الذي يكبر ويصغر بحسب مايقدمه من خير لهذا العالم هو نور الإيمان في صدورنا .. د. العمري ، كاتب عبقري فطريقته في ترتيب الأحداث وربطها بالواثع ، واستخدامه للصفات كأشخاص في الرواية وتعليمنا كيف نتعامل مع هذه الصفات + أسلوبه الأدبي الممتع .. إنه عبقري وذو فكر عميق حكيم شكرًا د. العمري شكرًا


I really liked this book. It is about the holocaust, but told from the perspective of Germans who lived through it. There are three short stories - the first is about a teenage boy who is handicapped so can't join the German army, bu wishes he could. The second is the story of five children whose parents were arrested at the end of the war for being Nazis and they have to make their way across a divided Germany to try and find their parents. The last is set in modern times about a guy obsessed with finding out exactly what atrocities his Waffen-SS grandfather perpetrated. Fascinating and well-written, I highly recommend.


This is a clever novel, written from the perspective of a child with autism who seeks to solve a mystery. The creativity with which this novel was written is charming. Having worked with autistic children, I felt that this book lends profound insight into the world of such a child(though most of the insight is what I have gleaned myself--it is not spelled out in the novel itself).


Entertaining in true COL-BERT fashion.


I really liked this book. I feel that this book is for all parents - not just those who struggle with losing their temper. (Although, at times, we all do). It offers great insight and suggestions for dealing with and interacting with children. And provides a reminder of how special and precious they are. I will definitely read it again!


Bizarre and amusing story about a whale biologist and his truly other-worldy adventures while trying to figure out why the winged whale sings. Funny, conservationist, and truly riduculous. Silly, unexpected, and enjoyable.