
Michael Havill Havill itibaren Pongkar, Tebing, Karimun Regency, Riau Islands, Indonésie itibaren Pongkar, Tebing, Karimun Regency, Riau Islands, Indonésie

Okuyucu Michael Havill Havill itibaren Pongkar, Tebing, Karimun Regency, Riau Islands, Indonésie

Michael Havill Havill itibaren Pongkar, Tebing, Karimun Regency, Riau Islands, Indonésie


Les quatre premiers tomes de Fairy Tail sont une bonne surprise. Bon, c'est du shônen pur jus, avec jeune héros, magie, combats héroïques, filles sexy, etc. Mais il y a de l'humour, le dessin est super dynamique et de qualité, quelques bonnes idées originales (mélange de monde magique/fantastique et d'inventions modernes façon steam-punk). Une bonne série.


I have to admit that the beginning of this book was a little slow, but I stuck with it, because Persuasion is my favorite Austen book. It was so nice to hear the story from Captain Wentworth's perspective and Ms. Kaye has done a great job of drafting his character as well as his past. I am so glad that I have the second book on the shelf, as Louisa was left in Lyme, and I want to find out the rest of Persuasion from Captain Wentworth's perspective. Personally, Captain Wentworth is my favorite JA Hero! This is well-done!