
Andrey Beserra Beserra itibaren Camaná itibaren Camaná

Okuyucu Andrey Beserra Beserra itibaren Camaná

Andrey Beserra Beserra itibaren Camaná


This makes me want to run the NYC marathon. I liked how each chapter was a mile of the marathon. Since I started this book and then put it down for a few weeks before picking it up again, I felt a little lost by all of the people and their backstories, but overall, it was inspirational. Borrowed from the library


Dear students: you won't enjoy this book. It's for grown ups and about boring stuff like paying bills. Dear grown up readers: I relished every moment with this book. It might just be my new favorite. There was a point around "R" where I started to panic because I knew it was going to be over soon. I was giddy with the interesting "entries," but I'm a "word nerd." I enjoyed the honesty of the story and it's raw emotions. Beautifully written.


I liked that this book was divided into sections for native or introduced birds and also had a chapter for urban & widespread birds. Just enough detail for a vacationer to quickly ID any bird seen.