
Pinaki Nandy Nandy itibaren Torrelaguna itibaren Torrelaguna

Okuyucu Pinaki Nandy Nandy itibaren Torrelaguna

Pinaki Nandy Nandy itibaren Torrelaguna


SPOILERS Oddly, my concerns about the book are very mundane ones. I don't know what's motivating Davey, the evil brother, or Krishna, the evil next-door neighbor -- I don't know what they want, and so their antagonism is mysterious to me. And when Ed-Fred-George are being stalked by Davey, Allan sometimes seems to feel some urgency, and other times he seems to forget the whole thing in his efforts to create free internet access for the whole city. The wire-the-city subplot is interesting, and the interactions with the neighbors are interesting, but the whole thing doesn't hold together for me.


Absolutely among the best non-fiction I have ever read, in the history of ever.