
Katharina N N itibaren Yelyzavetivka, Zaporiz'ka oblast, Ukraine itibaren Yelyzavetivka, Zaporiz'ka oblast, Ukraine

Okuyucu Katharina N N itibaren Yelyzavetivka, Zaporiz'ka oblast, Ukraine

Katharina N N itibaren Yelyzavetivka, Zaporiz'ka oblast, Ukraine


This book was actually really good. A little orphan girl who wants nothing but to be loved by a good family gets taken in by three sisters who have a secret. They pretend to be mediums in order to convice people that their dead loved ones are in the room with them so that they can get paid big bucks. They needed a little girl so that she could squeeze between the walls and hide under tables without being seen. What actually happens towards the end made the story. Good stuff. Things I like (historical, orphan, "magic", etc.).