Cat Salisbury Salisbury itibaren Aramina - SP, Brasile
This book is so heartbreaking and beautiful and truthful. The main character - a 9-year-old boy named Oskar Schell - is dealing with the death of his father, who was killed in the World Trade Center on September 11. Oskar is a very smart boy with what seems to be autistic tendancies. He has a difficult time communicating what he feels on the inside, but he is, for the most part, in pain over the death of his father. This book is a modern-day New York fairytale. I cried for the last 40 pages, and that has NEVER happened to me while reading. I've gotten a bit teary over books in the past, but this book absolutely swept the carpet out from under me. I want everyone to read this book.
I don't know what it was about this book, I never really got absorbed by it. There were interesting sections about photography and the nature of memory, but the story itself just didn't stand out for me.