
Timotheus Kayliang Lee Kayliang Lee itibaren Fonthill Bishop itibaren Fonthill Bishop

Okuyucu Timotheus Kayliang Lee Kayliang Lee itibaren Fonthill Bishop

Timotheus Kayliang Lee Kayliang Lee itibaren Fonthill Bishop


If you haven't read anything by Carl Hiaasen, come see what all the fuss is about. I'm a huge devotee, and "Native Tongue" is part of the reason. The story takes place at an animal theme park in Florida. As in all Hiaasen books, characters include thugs, ecoterrorists and all-round good guys. Hiaasen is a master of crafting a seemingly lighthearted tale with a strong message underneath. Read a Hiaasen book once a year--it's good for what ails you. And you might even be able to stop taking anti-depressants or self-medicating with food. Other favorites of mine: "Stormy Weather," "Skin Tight" and "Skinny Dip."


Repetitive word use was repetitive. Creepy, disturbing story...and not in a good way.