
Marcelo Garcia Garcia itibaren Governador Eugênio Barros itibaren Governador Eugênio Barros

Okuyucu Marcelo Garcia Garcia itibaren Governador Eugênio Barros

Marcelo Garcia Garcia itibaren Governador Eugênio Barros


Only vaguely remember reading this at about age 13. Not as interesting nor relevant to me as "Little Women".


Right Hand Magic was a great read that takes the reader away to an exciting and interesting new world that exists right beside ours called Golgotham. Golgotham is the home of all types of supernatural creatures and the reader gets to learn about this world through the eyes of Tate, a normal human living amongst the supernatural. Collins creates an intricate world with many creatures, and I enjoyed exploring this world with Tate. Collins also creates some very likeable, well developed characters such as Hexe, Lukas, Kidron, and Scratch in addition to Tate that leaves you anxiously awaiting their next adventure. The overall story was good and it kept you turning the pages wanting to know what would happen next. I would definitely recommend this book.