
Megan Davey Davey itibaren Dvori, Croatia itibaren Dvori, Croatia

Okuyucu Megan Davey Davey itibaren Dvori, Croatia

Megan Davey Davey itibaren Dvori, Croatia


This is the book that started my recreational reading. Its a classic and a must read. And yes I cried...


Just finished rereading this book, and found it to be as enjoyable as ever. My favorite Amy Tan is still The Kitchen God's Wife, though; the audiobook version read by the author is amazing, and probably responsible for the beginnings of my ventures into Sinophilia. Joy Luck Club feels somewhat less polished and, of course, jumps around rather a lot more, but the stories are compelling. Being a historical fiction buff, I am always more interested in Tan's mothers than daughters, and that holds true for Joy Luck Club as well.