
Pepe Mark Mark itibaren Non Udon, Chum Phae District, Khon Kaen, Thailand itibaren Non Udon, Chum Phae District, Khon Kaen, Thailand

Okuyucu Pepe Mark Mark itibaren Non Udon, Chum Phae District, Khon Kaen, Thailand

Pepe Mark Mark itibaren Non Udon, Chum Phae District, Khon Kaen, Thailand


I really liked this book. At first I was daunted by its size - it's basically 7 books all in one, each the same story, told from the perspective of another person - and I found myself speeding through each chapter, just to find out what happens in the end. And it highlights another important point that other books have done, which is that I could completely hate a character at first, and then from another perspective, I find them likable. We all do this to people in every day life; we judge people and dislike them and think them all sorts of unpleasant things, yet if we knew them in a different way, in a different capacity, or even a different time, we might have taken an entirely different look at that person. In essence, we have the humanity to feel sympathy for them, to see how many sides a person has, and that to prejudge anyone is premature, for we really know so little about other people. This novel has a great plot, interesting characters, and is told in a unique manner. I finished it much more quickly than I would have thought.