
Ahmed Naaphes Naaphes itibaren 56035 Cevoli PI, Italia itibaren 56035 Cevoli PI, Italia

Okuyucu Ahmed Naaphes Naaphes itibaren 56035 Cevoli PI, Italia

Ahmed Naaphes Naaphes itibaren 56035 Cevoli PI, Italia


Beautiful. Heartbreaking. Tightly-plotted, but not (save in one tiny instance) unbelievably so. Well-drawn portraits of human rage and human love and all the emotions in between. Also notable for the confrontation in the second-to-last chapter, which rivals Gandalf vs. the Balrog for sweep and power. Even though I knew the ultimate ending (few don't these days), it still brought me to tears when it came about. Read this, and don't let the heavily-wrought sentences of the first chapter or two get to you.