
Justin Dong Dong itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Justin Dong Dong itibaren Texas

Justin Dong Dong itibaren Texas


Wimpy Çocuk ve Dork Günlükleri Günlüğü benzer. Sofya'nın dedikodu yayınlamak için kullandığı bir okul blogu var, öğretmenlerden kötü yorumlar almaları için sadece ara sıra hatırlatmalar var. Sophia, Mia gibi popüler olmak istiyor, ama saçakta. BFF, Nona ve diğer karakterlerden oluşan bir kadro, okulda geçen hikayeyi tamamlıyor ve okulda çalışan ebeveynler, BFF dövüşleri ve masum ezmelerle uğraşıyor. Ara sıra karalamalar içeren günlük formatı bu nesile hitap edecek. Sınıf 4 ve üstü için uygundur.


"Need More Love" is a brilliant visual memoir of Baby Boomer/hippie/sixties'artiste/ culture. In equal measure self loathing & self obsessed, Aline is funny, brutally honest, and above all, unapologetic.Her sometimes squalid accounts of family life, childhood, adolesence, skewed body image (& the resulting adult sexuality issues) are, for the most part, dead on. No matter what your parents are like, you'll feel better after reading about hers. "The Bunch" might not be able to go penstroke for penstroke on a techincal level with her husband, R. Crumb, but she is every bit his equal in terms of sensibility and storytelling. Lots of yummy pics of the "Crumb Manor" -Aline & Robert's dream house somewhere in an undisclosed village in rural France.


When rude outsiders who have lost everything end up moving in with her family, April Grace's life gets more and more complicated each day. Here's a new heroine who will keep you cheering even in her most trying moments, and there are many. I loved this character and couldn't put this book down.


This is an amazing book about a young boy who saves the world of the future -- but it's not that of a hero, but that of a scared young boy who is too smart for his own comfort. I wish that I would have read this book when I was an angsty teen, because I would have related so well to Ender -- as I think lots of "unconventional" kids could have. He is smart and through his intelligence and understanding he becomes an outsider. Most importantly, I think that this is a much better book than "Catcher in the Rye" as it's not about depression but about desperation and doing to your utmost abilities and living the days with what you have. The child goes through development and stages and pain and misunderstanding that all children do, and I think that it's a good book to show these emotions and help young adults understand that they are not alone. Overall, the book is superbly written, and goes quickly.