
Burning Wang Wang itibaren Nagypirit, Hungary itibaren Nagypirit, Hungary

Okuyucu Burning Wang Wang itibaren Nagypirit, Hungary

Burning Wang Wang itibaren Nagypirit, Hungary




This was a great, clean romance. I don't know if I am crazy about the author's writing style...it kind of seemed jumbled and disconnected at times, but it was a quick, entertaining read. Plus, we have just been to SF so it was fun to read about what it was like when it was first being colonized.


If you are looking for interesting characters to ponder, this is a good book. There is a lot of depth to consider, "why people are the way they are." And what happens when you throw the evangelical church in the mix. In Harlem and the South. In the early 20th century. It made me wonder how much these churches have changed in dynamic since then because it reflected what I've seen before (this church = more wild). A lot goes on. I enjoyed the writing itself, also.


يوميات شخصية شيقة للكاتب نواف القديمي يتخللها الكثير من الفكاهة إلتقى فيها بأعمدة الفكر الاسلامي في المغرب يطرح القديمي في الكتاب بعض الأسئلة على القارىء دون الإجابة عليها ، قد لا أتفق مع القديمي في جزئيات من الكتاب لكن يبقى أسلوبه في غاية الروعة


An excellent biography. Well written and informative.