
Yuko OhnumaOyler OhnumaOyler itibaren Tereshky, Vinnyts'ka oblast, Ukraine itibaren Tereshky, Vinnyts'ka oblast, Ukraine

Okuyucu Yuko OhnumaOyler OhnumaOyler itibaren Tereshky, Vinnyts'ka oblast, Ukraine

Yuko OhnumaOyler OhnumaOyler itibaren Tereshky, Vinnyts'ka oblast, Ukraine


Imagine having your married daughter hospitalized in critical condition with a vague and uncertain diagnosis, and then having your husband of 40 years die suddenly of a massive heart attack. This is a warm and intriguing look at how the author dealt with the inconsolable grief of the loss of a spouse, and the desperation of supporting her daughter. There was much to appreciate in the poignant descriptions of confusion, grief, and loneliness -- as well as coping and surviving.