
Florian H H itibaren Arnfels, Austria itibaren Arnfels, Austria

Okuyucu Florian H H itibaren Arnfels, Austria

Florian H H itibaren Arnfels, Austria


The one where the man is a spy against Napoleon and the woman is an Englishwoman who's spent years in a harem in India. Pretty dreadful. People's backstory is withheld for insane periods of time and then regurgitated in great chunks of dialog almost (but not quite) just in time to stop you from strangling them because you thought they had no good reason to behave the way they did. Secondary characters are trustworthy because Nigel says they "cannot be suspected" (and he's always right), or else they change apparent sides every fifty pages to make for more suspense. If it hadn't been in the bathroom it would have been abandoned after three chapters, but I'm actually kind of glad it wasn't, because now I know for sure it was that bad all the way through. Sex was pretty nice, except that there, as elsewhere, the emotional tone could change every paragraph without warning.


I think this book may have been the one that set me off onto my life-long path of sci-fi / fantasy -loving nerd-dom. Hats off.


not as good as the first book but still okay. interesting how important the point of view is.


Loved it. Can't get into most other Vonnegut for some reason, but this was vivid and funny and weird, held my interest all the way through.


These guidebooks get dated so quickly! Usually, a large number of the restaurants no longer exist and many new restaurants have opened. The web is usually a better reference. But this is a pretty good book: if the restaurant is still around, it will give the reader/diner a good idea of whether or not they're interested in eating there.