
Dennis Boylan Boylan itibaren Ribes, 07320 Saint-Agrève, Франція itibaren Ribes, 07320 Saint-Agrève, Франція

Okuyucu Dennis Boylan Boylan itibaren Ribes, 07320 Saint-Agrève, Франція

Dennis Boylan Boylan itibaren Ribes, 07320 Saint-Agrève, Франція


I read this cause I was bored and needed a pick me up. DO NOT READ IT FOR THOSE REASONS!


Wanted to pick this up again after reading it when it first came out, nearly 20 years ago. I wondered if it was really as good as I remembered. Yes it was...truly an enjoyable, interesting story with all good things King. He is one of my favorite writers and as I read this, I remembered how characters, places, minor incidents from other stories of his show up. This one in particular is linked to the Dark Tower series, and I've only read the first in that series. This makes me want to read more.


I thought it was a very good read, highlighting the causes of the financial crisis in the US and why if it continues with it's current policies, it is in line to loose it's crown as the global economic power. However, professional economists are not that good at predicting future outcomes. Alot of the predictions are based on alot of "ifs", if the US continues its trend on becoming a welfare state, if the US continues with its current foreign policies, if China and the rest continue on allowing their people extra freedoms, if oil prices continue to rise or reserves run out, etc etc. . .