
K K K itibaren Brazzaville itibaren Brazzaville

Okuyucu K K K itibaren Brazzaville

K K K itibaren Brazzaville


Even though this is a small book, it's jam packed with great information about Louis Braille, the man who invinted the braille writing system for blind people. It starts when he becomes blind as a youth and then finds himself being sent to the only blind school in France. After being there awhile, he starts to experiment with a better style of writing for blind students. The book follows him and does a great job of simple explanations on how he came about with his system and the trials he went through to get it accepted by the general public. It has nice illustrations and should appeal to any level reader. A great read for anyone interested in the subject.


If you are an animal lover, I recommend you avoid this book. I found it too painful to read about the animal experiments and had to skim many parts of the book. Truthfully, I found the author's portrayal of the social world more interesting than the scientific anyway.


** spoiler alert ** Not one of her best. Very predictable - the minute whatshisname-'uninvited-guest' turns up at the house and is so 'beastly' to her, you know they'll end up together. Then its "now... how to shake off the absolutely-perfect-in-every-way-but-so-obviously-not-right-for-her fiance..." I skipped all the bits of the novel she was writing in the story. She annoyed me for being so stupid as to think she could just set to and right a novel anyway. And the daughter annoyed me too. I can tell Catherine Alliott doesn't have any daughters. She always gives them to her main characters though...