
Juan Jes Jes itibaren Mt Croghan, SC, USA itibaren Mt Croghan, SC, USA

Okuyucu Juan Jes Jes itibaren Mt Croghan, SC, USA

Juan Jes Jes itibaren Mt Croghan, SC, USA


This was, in many ways, a book that stole my readers virginity. I picked this up in the school library when I was eleven years old, ten years ago. The cover, matching the one I now own, was a spider with a mans head, and in no way appealed to me. But the first chapter, titled 'A girl with a pony' drew me in immediately. Thank God for my horse obsession, or I'd never have discovered these books, and this wonderful author. It was my first fantasy book. It was my first book not directly related to horse. It was my first 'grown up' book - a book that wasn't directed at my age group, but could be enjoyed by all ages. I haven't been the same since these books. They opened the floodgate to the river of longing that is my need for fantasy stories, and lots of them. As well as the long-term ramifications of reading the book (and series), it was just delightful to read a story about such a strong young woman, and she had nearly everything I'd ever wanted. I mean, what eleven year old girl doesn't want the ability to talk to, and turn into, animals? I can't stress enough how much this book changed me. Tamora Pierce, more than any other author, is the reason I write my own stories, and the reason I want only strong, independent female characters in any story I now read. I've since read, and bought, the Alanna series and begun the Circle of Magic series along with Tricksters Choice. For any one with young teenagers, or younger children, it is within your best interests to read to, or give them, this book. It can't do anything but bring them extreme happiness and a desire for books.


This book definitely makes you think about what has been taught about the bible.


I'm a sap, I admit it. It made me cry. Not because it is so well-written, but because I cannot bear to think about saying goodbye to my cat when she gets old. I also *love, love, love* the idea of having a library cat and wish I worked in a place where that could happen.


I am really on the fence with this one