
Two Dby Dby itibaren Općina Hvar itibaren Općina Hvar

Okuyucu Two Dby Dby itibaren Općina Hvar

Two Dby Dby itibaren Općina Hvar


I didn't like this book very much as I found many parts of it unbeleivable. I found the characters weak and didn't sympathise or emphathise with any of them! Not a book I would recomment to anyone - and I struggled through the last quarter a sI don't like to give up on books. It wasn't worth it though as the end was even more unbelievable.


Dates approximate. A re-read, I think, but I'm not certain. More like 2.5. It was interesting to compare this with some of Elizabeth Moon's work, in my head. (And indeed, I can't avoid it.) Not at all sure that Moon doesn't have the edge, in some areas. This was clearly a first/early book. My recollection of the series is that the techno-infodumping only gets worse. Every time I look at the cover I can't help thinking that Nimitz, the treecat, looks more like a walrus.


One of the best books I've ever read.