
Amanda Enders Enders itibaren अलाहर, हरियाणा 135133, भारत itibaren अलाहर, हरियाणा 135133, भारत

Okuyucu Amanda Enders Enders itibaren अलाहर, हरियाणा 135133, भारत

Amanda Enders Enders itibaren अलाहर, हरियाणा 135133, भारत


A fictional story that ties together the lives and histories of several different people living in the British colonies in southeast Asia between the 1850's and the 1940's. It is very engaging in its portrayal of life in the British empire.


Don't be misled... Three stars is good!


I didn't read this voluntarily, and I'm very much not the target audience, which is probably why I abandoned it halfway through. I got very tired of all the conflict stemming from characters interrupting each other and/or refusing to listen to each other, and of the allegedly comic construction where one character says, "She peed on the floor," and someone comes in the door and says, "Who, the belly dancer?" and everybody giggles and says, "No, the puppy!" Ha so very ha. However, it must be said that I've read worse books this year.