
Edgar Soto Soto itibaren Yalıntaş, 23600 Yalıntaş/Karakoçan/Elâzığ, Turkey itibaren Yalıntaş, 23600 Yalıntaş/Karakoçan/Elâzığ, Turkey

Okuyucu Edgar Soto Soto itibaren Yalıntaş, 23600 Yalıntaş/Karakoçan/Elâzığ, Turkey

Edgar Soto Soto itibaren Yalıntaş, 23600 Yalıntaş/Karakoçan/Elâzığ, Turkey


An all time favorite, I am currently reading it with my 3rd grade mentee and she loves it too!


i guess i might not totally get why this book is considered to be so pivotal in the history of comics, etc. . . or maybe the current batman is so obvious to me now, i just don't realize that he was nothing like he is now *before* this book . . either way, it was good, but not mind-blowing, either in terms of writing or art . . i read this mainly due to the prompting of *supergods* which i read recently . . glad it's under my belt though in terms of those "must read" comics . .


Ages 8-11ish this book was a close and trusted companion. It would make me want to run away and live in the mountains. In fact, I would take it when I "ran away" from home and went to the creek back in the day because I figured it would help with survival. I wanted to capture and hawk, eat berries, etc. Looking back, any book that can inspire that amount of adventure lust and nature love in a kid deserves my great respect and admiration. I still want to live in the damn woods, so I wonder if this was the book that did it or at least wa instrumental in sending me in that direction.


Borges packs 100 pages of a novel into an 8-page short story. This is dense, but fucking brilliant.


Liked it very much, for two reasons: Chealsea Cain got away from the Gretchen Lowell character (even though the book is advertised as 4th in the series)...she's only in it for a very brief appearance. Also, the setting of Portland, flooding like there's no tomorrow, really resonates if you live there like we do. Two thumbs up!