Denis Mayskiy Mayskiy itibaren Baie Malgache, Maurícia
من أجمل ماقرأت في كتب السيرة الذاتيه يحكي فيه المؤلف تجربته الشخصية وخبراته في مجال الإدراة خلال توليه منصاب هامة في الدولة,انصح كل من لم يقرأ لغازي القصيبي أن يبدأ بهذا الكتاب
excellent kickstart for those who wants to know more about feminist writers and not be subjected by mass media appeal
I think that part of the reason that I liked it as much as I did was because I was able to use part of the story in a talk at church on provident living (a simple life). I loved having a unique and bit obscure reference.