
Theemon itibaren Stanislaus County, CA, Birleşik Devletler itibaren Stanislaus County, CA, Birleşik Devletler

Okuyucu Theemon itibaren Stanislaus County, CA, Birleşik Devletler

Theemon itibaren Stanislaus County, CA, Birleşik Devletler


Okuduğum halde bu kitaba bir yıldız verecektim, ama sonuna gelindiğinde çok cehennemi geliştirdi. Ortada olsa da, kitap sadece sıkıcıydı ve tüm romantizm arsa hattı tamamen işe yaramaz ve anlamsızdı. Sarah, Mary Sue'nun tanımıdır. Ruh hali değişimleri ve kişilik değişiklikleri gülünçtü. Bir twat gibi davrandığında eski erkek arkadaşını sıraya koyan süper popüler liseli kız olmaktan, her beş dakikada bir kendini aptal durumlardan kurtarması gereken uzaylı erkek arkadaşı için sevgisini sürekli ağlamaya ve itiraf etmeye gitti. Onu sevmediğimi söylemek, bir abartı olurdu. Henri'yi sevmedim, küçümseydi ve John'a hiçbir şey açıklamadı ve sonra John ona isyan etmeye karar verdiğinde şok oldu. Onun şifreli ifadeleri beni hiç kızdırmadı. (görünüm spoiler) Bernie Kosar gelmiş geçmiş en iyi karakterdi. (görünüm spoiler) Bu kitaptaki kesinlikle benim en sevdiğim karakter. Sam alamadım. Korkunç bir karakter değildi, ama temelde sadece bir klişeydi. (spoiler görüntüle) Benzer bir notta, Mark'ı kitap boyunca sonuna kadar unutmaya devam ettim. Adından her bahsedildiğinde dürüstçe 'kim?' Gibiydim. (spoiler görüntüle) Altı. (spoiler görüntüle) O bir penis. Yeterince söylendi. Bunu özetlemek gerekirse, bu kitap, tüm uzaylı şeyleri açıklarken, garip bir şekilde ilginç olmaktan, sıkıcı ve boktan, tüm aşık olma ve tipik lise şeylerinin sonu boyunca harika olmaya başladı. Her ne kadar iyi son olsa da, yine de sonunda anlamsız yüzlerce sayfa donuk romantizm oturmak zorunda kalmadı.


Bu ya enfant korkunçunun ana akımdan büyük çıkması ya da Rus edebiyatının yaşlı bir devlet adamının ortaya çıkmasıdır. Ben ikincisine kefil olurum.


I read this book and the first one back to back and I'm glad I did since they followed so closely together. Where as book one ending was satisfying it did give a more 'Happy For Now' vibe where as at the end of this book the characters felt more closely bonded and I was glad to see it. There is definitely scope for more Deputy Joe books in the future and I really hope this series continues.


Like The People of Sparks (the second book in this series), I think this book left a great story untold. This book told the story of a somewhat crazy woman who is held as a prophet because she had a vision others believed was from God. Mrs. Beeson acts as an interpreter for the prophet and requires all the members of the town follow what she believes are the prophets words. The people can no longer sing or own dogs; they are required to put their dogs on a bus to be taken away. People who don't follow the rules have to wear bracelets that hum all the time. Nikki, the main character, tries to do good by reporting what she believes are sinners. Everyone is doing what the think is for the best and they don't realize what they are doing until things get out of hand. War is eminent, but we never find out what the war is about or why the deadline set by the government is so important. Then, when the deadline passes, nothing happens. From this story it isn't clear why a city like Ember would be necessary. No immediate consequences of the war are shown. Nikki's father is working on a secret project (presumably a builder), and he sends postcards to the family reveling where he is. Ultimately, not much happens in this story except that we are introduced to one of the future members of Ember. I didn't feel like I understood her decision to join Ember or even the reasons that the builders felt that such a drastic measure was necessary. That was the story that I wanted to hear. Why did they decide to build Ember? What technologies were necessary to invent? How did they decided who to send? What was the reception of the people (did everyone even know)? And who gave up their babies to be the next generation of the human race?


So far, I am not enjoying this book. I'd love to just set it aside, and not pick it up again. The writing is horrible, the grammar and punctuation must not have had an editor. And the author, well, she brought a lot of the pain on herself, and seems to blame it on everyone else. The title had me very excited about this book, but I don't see it getting any better. update: Ok it did get a little better. but I still feel much like I felt before. The author put herself in some bad situations and then blamed those around her when things didn't work out. She was constantly in one new business venture after another. I really think the book was just done as another venture to try and make money. I again, did like that she gave a lot of credit to God, and I think that may be the only saving grace of this book.