
Lucas Silva Silva itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Lucas Silva Silva itibaren Texas

Lucas Silva Silva itibaren Texas


Öncül kulağa ilginç geliyordu ve çok fazla potansiyeli vardı - ama hikayenin ezici tek taraflılığından bıkmak uzun sürmedi. Tüm Dexter "ben, ben, ben, ne kadar zeki ve trajik bir şekilde büküldüğümü fark et ve günlük hayatımın ve düşüncelerimin minutiaları boyunca beni takip et" dedi. Öykü (Dexter tarafından) öyle özümsü bir şekilde anlatıldı, hikayenin ilginç olabilecek kısımlarının (örneğin, suç mahalli araştırmaları) tamamen daha esprili bir kendini yansıtma lehine tamamen parlatıldığı söylendi. Filan, filan, filan !! Daha inandırıcı bir komplo ve bazı gerçekçi suç ayrıntıları istedim.


Çevrenizdeki para kazanma ve yatırım fırsatlarının arkasındaki beyin


I read this a while back. I remember thoroughly enjoying it. Dark and a seemingly original plot for a young protagonist. The movie is focused toward a younger audience while the book is definitely for an older crowd. If you enjoy Gaiman, then you should definitely pick up this quick read.


Once again Brandon Sanderson delivers an excellent book. He does know how to do epic fantasy right. His world is teeming with interesting creatures, cultures, and people. The characters we already knew from the last book, continue to grow and expand their story arcs. I really care about those people. I could keep reading about Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar, Adolin, and many others for a long time. The story builds up and builds up with little peaks of excitement and pure awesomeness, but I worried about the characters the whole way. The story ends with a bang, leaving me both satisfied and wanting more. I loved it!


LIKE THE FIRST TIME is a wonderful story about three women who through test and trials, find the true meaning of friendship and love, but the greatest discovery is the love of SELF first. I found it almost impossible to put this book down. The characters are so like able and real that I found myself rooting for them and their happiness right from the start. Francis Ray weaves a wonderful tale of life's ups and downs and shows us that through perseverance and endurance we can overcome and find happiness.