itibaren Lovnic 507113, Romanya
Bu uzun soluklu serideki bir başka harika kitap. Acaba John Taylor kimseye karşı gerçekten kaybetti mi? Cennetin ve Cehennemin Denizen'i bile önsezisinde hafifçe uzanır.
THis is a book with just three friends talking on instant messanger. I like to read what people's talking about, however, in this book, I read about how families are, how classes are like. It's not what most people talk on instant messengers! But, I do see some of the normal things people talk about, like how people act to you, the feelings, and the crushes. I'm not that satisfy with this book, I didn't even finished it.
This one seemed more colloquial and hodge-podgy than I remember the others being, but the author insists that's the nature of the middle ages and who am I to argue?
I learned SO much about the Saudi Arabian culture and the treatment of women in Saudi Arabia. This book completely opened my eyes!