
Yazaarwa Eugene Eugene itibaren Morrice, MI 48857, Birleşik Devletler itibaren Morrice, MI 48857, Birleşik Devletler

Okuyucu Yazaarwa Eugene Eugene itibaren Morrice, MI 48857, Birleşik Devletler

Yazaarwa Eugene Eugene itibaren Morrice, MI 48857, Birleşik Devletler


Cute, harmless one-shot graphic novel. Reminded me very much of "Clerks" in the humor and drawing style. Two slacker guys living in a post-zombie apocalypse city make do, amusing themselves between supply runs. Happen to find a survivor chick in the mall. Can you smell love triangle? I really love the 'dress up like a zombie and say "brains" a lot to fool the zombies.' Haven't seen that work outside of "Shaun of the Dead."