
Jordan Putt Putt itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Jordan Putt Putt itibaren Texas

Jordan Putt Putt itibaren Texas


I gave Whose Body? 4 stars when in actuality I would have preferred the option of 3.5. I thought it much to funny of a book for only 3 but neither could I break a vague irritation with Lord Peter that would allow me to wholeheartedly give it 4 complete stars. Be that as it may, I enjoyed my first experience with Dorothy Sayers thoroughly. And I have every intention on continuing with the series perhaps in print as I do get impatient with the overly refined British drawl of Lord Peter in the audio book. I have been informed that not only does Lord Peter improve upon further acquaintance but that the books get better with the addition of intelligent female characters. All in all a fine listen one that evokes London's foggy streets better than any other other in the gumshoe profession with the exception of Sir Arthur. It is a good thing that Sayers does not attempt to match the verve or brilliance of Sherlock but rather takes an entirely different approach and carried it off quite well. While the out come was of a more predictable nature than anything I have read of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle it was more entertaining and had moments of levity that would have been far beneath Holmes and Watson. I will not spoil the plot but I will say that the pince nez were my favorite bit of archania. And if you are unfamiliar with this accessory much of the humor of the first half of the book will be lost on you.