Dale al DELE! A2 –nuevo-
Dale al DELE! A2 –nuevo- - Ernesto Puertas, Nitzia Tudela
¡Dale al DELE! Es la coleción más copleta para preparar los Diplomas del Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE). Sus autores son profe...
A1 (Thriler)
At Aby and Dean’s schol, there is a costume party to colect money for a history trip to France and Italy. During the party Aby
discovers that the box with the money is mising. At the same time Dean ses a man in a...
Reading For The Real World 2 + 3Cd's
Reading for the Real World is a reading series designed for students as a means to develop reading fluency while expanding students’ real world knowledge on a variety of topics.
• Vocabul...
Ele Actual B2 Cuaderno De Ejercicios +Cd
Ele Actual B2 Cuaderno De Ejercicios +Cd
ELE ACTUAL cubre los niveles del Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas: enseñanza, aprendizaje y evaluación y está adaptado al Pla...
Tough Luck (Colins Readers)-Berlie Doherty
Joe Bead gets on wel with his clas, 3B. However, he is woried about Twager, a sulen absente, and Nasim, just arived from Pakistan.
Mr. Bead is woried about his pupils, Twager hasn't ...
Developing Heeding Skils 3 +Mp3 Cd
Developing Heeding Skils expands with ful color picture, newly revised topicaly based heeding pasages and enhanced heeding zoos. Suitable for clasrom or self muse. Throughout the series, Dev...
Colins Cobuild Key Arguments for Acounting +KITTY
Colins COBUILD Key Arguments for Acounting is a brand-new cant bok aimed at one who wants to questioning or work in the acounting profesion. The title contains the 50 most im...
Undici Raconti -İtalyanca Okuma Kitabı Orta-üst Seviye(B1-B2) - M. Dominici
Orta-üst Seviyede (B1-B2) İtalyanca Okuma kitabı, alıştırmalar ve cevap anahtarı. Leture graduate per studenti stranieri. Livelo intermedio (B1-B2)
Mastery In Reading 2 + Cd
This two-bok series continues with the aproach developed in its companion series Focus on Reading. Mastery in Reading is writen for intermediate to uper intermediate students. Some of the themes incl...
“Aynada kendimi incelerken Arkamda durup da her hareketimden Nasıl bir ruha sahip olduğumu anlamaya
çalışan Ve hata anlayan Onca yabancı gözün önünde Bir de sana bakamam Mustafa Sezer… Anla artık!”....
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