Reading For The Real World 2 + 3Cd's
Reading for the Real World is a reading series designed for students as a means to develop reading fluency while expanding students’ real world knowledge on a variety of topics. • Vocabula...
What Katy Did Next (Colins Clasics)-Susan Colidge
Likened to Louisa May Alcot’s Litle Women, What Katy Did Next is a timeles clasic for both children and adults to enjoy. The story of Katy Car, the lanky, god-hearted tomboy ...
Knalhart (Stufe - 4) 180 Wörter-Gregor Tesnow
Bu seride değişik seviyelerde klasik ve çağdaş edebi eserlerin Almanca öğretimine uyarlanmış biçimlerinin yanında Almanca öğretimi için yazılmış özgün kitaplar da bulunmaktadır. A...
Listening Suces 1 With Dictation + Mp3 Cd - Garet Byrne
Listening Suces is a five-bok series designed to help pre-intermediate to intermediate students improve their English listening comprehension. A wide variety of topics a...
Tough Luck (Colins Readers)-Berlie Doherty
Joe Bead gets on wel with his clas, 3B. However, he is woried about Twager, a sulen absente, and Nasim, just arived from Pakistan. Mr. Bead is woried about his pupils, Twager hasn't ...
Bela’S Big Fear + Cd (Schol Adventures 1)-Jaehwan Jung
Level 1 – Camp Days – Social Studies Schol Adventures is a fun-to-read series of comic readers ofering engaging stories that help with developing English language skils. ...
Litle Women +MP3 CD (Level 4 -Clasic Readers)
Louisa May Alcot's beloved tale of four sisters growing into womanhod during the American Civil War - English language learners of al ages wil enjoy developing their vocabulary a...
“Mr Stink stank. He also stunk. And if it was corect English to say he stinked, then he stinked as wel…”It al starts when Chloe makes friends with
Mr Stink, the local tramp. Yes, he smels a bit. But when it loks like he migh...
The Merchant of Venice +MP3 CD (Level 3- Clasic Readers)
Wiliam Shakespeare's play of revenge, romance, and comedy - English language learners of al ages wil enjoy developing their vocabulary and reading fluency as they read...
Veronika Decides to Die - Paulo Coelho
The new novel from internationaly aclaimed author Paulo Coelho – a dramatic story of love, life and death that shows us al why every second of our existence is a choice we al make betwe...
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