105 Zeka Oyunu 5. Sınıflar İçin e-kitap

105 Zeka Oyunu 5. Sınıflar İçin PDF ve diğer formatlarda e-Kitap

105 Zeka Oyunu 5. Sınıflar İçin 105 Zeka Oyunu 5. Sınıflar İçin - Baki Yerli IQ -Sayısal Zekâ -Görsel Zekâ -Sözel Zekâ  Dünyaya gelen her insanın beyni işlenmemiş bir maden gibidir. Bu yüzden zamanında işlenmeli ve geliştirilmelidir. Bir problem üzerinde çözüm üretme arayışı beyni geliştirmenin en ideal yöntemi olarak kabul edilir. Farklı düşünme becerileri kazandıkça, karşımıza çıkan problemleri daha hızlı çözdüğümüzü ve problemlere alternatif çözümler üretiğimizi göreceğiz.  Problem çözmedeki en önemli nokta "Problemi anlamak" tır.  Bunun için bazen "Problemlere farklı açılardan bakabilmek" gerekir.  Daha sonra "elimizdeki verileri en iyi şekilde kulanmak" ve sonra probleme "çözüm üretmek " gelir.  Kitabımızda soruları ana başlıklar altında gruplandırabilirdik ama bunun yerine sözel zekâ, görsel zekâ, sayısal zekâ ve oyunları farklı şekilde kitabın içine serpiştirdik. Sizleri sadece bir soru kalıbıyla sınırlandırmak istemedik. Sizler de karşılaştığınız her soruya zaman ayırıp soruyu çözmeye çalışın. Daha sonra bizim çözümlerimizle karşılaştırın. Sizlerin seviyesine uygun ülkemizdeki ve dünyadaki farklı kaynaklardan da yararlanarak hazırladığımız "105 Zekâ Oyunu" kitabımızın, sizlerin zihinsel gelişimine katkıda bulunması dileğimizle.


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105 Zeka Oyunu 5. Sınıflar İçin


Loved every minute that I spent writing this book---it was such a journey and I'm looking forward to sharing future books with more readers!

2022-10-29 03:53


'The boy stared straight ahead aware of the other's interest. His young mind was reeling. Can I trust this doctor? Will those men find me and possibly kill us both? Can I tell him that the men are after me an why? He watched the doctor through his peripheral vision; the doctor was handsome and older than he was. The clothes were of good quality, but appeared to be several years old; he was a puzzle.' The Whittakers are having a family reunion for Martha Whittaker's 40th birthday. Martha and her husband Jeremy can't wait for the arrival of their sons. Isaac, the oldest, lives nearby with his wife and family. When his father Jebediah married Martha he hated her and stood his distance inflicting as much pain through his evil deeds as possible to make her sorry she married his father. But after the death of his father he realized what a blessing Martha actually was. They were now close and he was proud to call her his mother. Ezekiel lived in England. He took quite well to Martha as she taught him to read. Reading and learning were his passion and he later grown up to become a teacher. He couldn't wait to see his mother. Abraham was the doctor in the family. His respect for his mother grew when his father beat him and Martha stepped in hoping to stop the brutal beating. Instead, she too was given a beating by his father. After being locked in the barn for hours, their closeness grew and he became the first one to call her mom. Jeremy was the brother of Jebediah. He had been sent by Martha's father from England to America to rescue Martha from his evil brother. After the death of his brother, Jeremy found himself loving Martha and the boys enough to stay in America just to be with them and eventually marrying Martha. Jeremy and Martha's marriage made the family complete. And with the birth of their daughter Anna, who could ask for more. After the abuse and beatings Jebediah inflicted on herself and her sons led her to treat her daughter Anna with a soft hand. Most agreed a too soft hand. Anna was spoiled, selfish, self-centered and held no respect for anyone other than herself. She became a constant burden to her parents. After sending her away to boarding school only to have her return unexpectedly, they agreed to give her hand in marriage to Martha's bookkeeper. For Anna, this was exactly what she needed to free her from her mother. She happily agreed to the marriage but had her own plans in mind as to how she would treat the marriage. And then there is Red who is determined to destroy the Whittaker family. How will he do this? He will start with the women in the family which will bring the men to their knees. Then he will destroy them. I read Of Dreams and Nightmares and thoroughly enjoyed meeting the characters, following them through their travels from England to Wyoming with death and destruction along the way and their final escape from the evil Jebediah Whittaker. I've also enjoyed The Whittaker Family Reunion which takes their lives and stories into adulthood. Now I'm looking forward to reading Back to Whittakerville in hopes that Anna will realize the hurt she has created for those that love her and straighten out her life. The story, as well as the history written into these books, make them unforgettable. Nov. 2009

2022-10-29 03:30

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