Chillout – Trumpet (Plak) e-kitap

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Chilout – Trumpet (Plak) Journey / Rusel Stary Night / Frydman Old Blue Eyes / Bedow Steam Rises / Groves Maret Cocktail Hours / Dutrieux Degli Inocenti Georges Bluely Noted / Carter Chiled To Taste / Vaughan Dusk Til Dawn / Stuart Cafe Mambo / Gray Blistering / Briton Goldsmith Sidecar / Rueger Chiled Cream / Lynch Take Me With You / Beazley Vanguard / Kentis Synapatic / Sayfritz Traces / Rusel Endles City / Niquin-Merkel The Blue Rom / Baldry Tubular Design / Rusel To Hip For The Rom / Huxley Jacobsen


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  • Fiyat: 46,90 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Chillout – Trumpet (Plak)


chapter 2 uses the Karen HorneY's theories and is so explanatory.

2023-02-06 06:00


LOVED IT! Was my first thought when I closed the book. Well, actually that was after I jumped around screaming that I wanted to read the sequel. My second was: Dimitri. Hahah, yup. Tall dimitri with his dark hair and deep dark eyes. This book is a spin-off from the VA series. Mead is now telling the story from Sydney's view. An Alchemist. Sydney is not the same girl as Rose. Their personalities are totally different. For example: When Lauren would have done all those things to Vasilissa, Rose would have just beat Lauren up, while Sydney takes the sneaky, full with patiente way to get back at Lauren. The Alchemist way. But then you can also see the stamp of Mead in it. All her female heroines are fiercefull, young ladies. Who fight for what they want. Only they manage this in other ways. The beginning of the book was very good. All those Alchemist matters and Sydney being afraid for going to a re-education center. But then, the story became a bit less. Not boring. But less. I get it, though. Mead had to introduce us to the situation the characters lived in, but a bit more action could have been very nice. But like I said, I get it. I just hope that in the sequel (have you seen the title? AAAAAHHH!! LOVE IT!!, just like BLOODLINES) there will be more action. The rest is just what we always expect and get from Mead: her great writing.

2022-10-29 03:31


i get that in a book about 4 people who meet on the rooftop they're all planning to jump from, nick hornby didn't want to go easy on his characters - that he wanted to remind us that these people were selfish, self-destructive and miserable anytime we might be tempted to think otherwise. and it was funny, and i really liked all the characters, and it's not that i ever disliked it (because as long as he's not writing How to be Good, i'll always be a sucker for hornby's writing), but it didn't take long to get repetitive and with most every potentially heartfelt moment being ripped away from me over and over for both a point and a laugh, it ended up feeling kind of empty.

2022-10-29 03:20

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