Freud, cinsel içtepilerimizin ilk çocukluk çağından itibaren nasıl evrildiğini inceleyerek, yetişkin insanda cinselliğin çocukluk çağındaki olaylarla koşullanmış olduğunu ileri sürüyor. Cinsellik alanındaki bilimsel araştırmaları küçümseyen ve bu konuyu "salt cinsellik" le uğraşmak sayan geleneksel psikolojiye karşı bu yapıt, sert tartışmalara yol açmıştı. Freud'un anlaşılmasında kilit rol oynayan ve hiç kuşkusuz her aydının ve her anne-babanın okuması gereken bir temel başyapıttır.
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Cinsellik Üzerine (Kapak değişebilir)
22020 Molina CO, İtalya
Weak 3 stars. This was ok, but nothing special, different or surprising. There’s a lot of sex – it was ok. STORY BRIEF: Lyric is a pop singing star on tour. Phillip is her contact at the recording company. Phillip hires Malone Security to oversee her security after receiving threatening notes from a stalker. Connor Malone is assigned to be with her 24/7 for two weeks while she is in Houston. Lyric has problems from her past. She never wants to be by herself or one-on-one with someone. She always wants to be in the presence of at least two people. Her manager Paul criticizes her about eating and exercising. She has low self-esteem about her size 12 body. She acts like a spoiled bratty don’t-give-a-care diva. But inside she is fragile and hurting. When she and Connor first meet he doesn’t like what he sees. Connor takes Lyric to a friend’s home for an afternoon. While there Lyric has a great time getting drunk and dancing with four other women. Those women are married and part of a close-knit group of friends with Connor. The women have another drunken fun get together later. Lyric loves the feeling of having friends like this. She and Connor are also falling for each other. REVIEWER’S OPINION: The relationship development and stalker plot were ordinary and done before. Nothing was special about the characters or dialogue. I wasn’t drawn in. The most unusual parts of the story were the two times the group of women got together. They were drunk, acting goofy, and passing out. Then the guys arrived and treated them like children-will-be-children, lovingly carrying them home and tucking them into bed. That part was fun, but I wanted more for the overall story. The best I can say was it did keep my interest and I didn’t feel the need to read fast to get it over with. The bad guy parts of the story weren’t developed enough. The bad guys’ actions, how they were discovered, and what happened to them were not shown. All of that was briefly “told” at the end. The end of the book was almost too sweet, sappy, and convenient, but I do like happy endings, so I was willing to accept it. Also at the end, my major reaction was a question: how is this guy going to earn money in the future? Whether or not he earns money is ok, but I wanted some discussion about that. I don’t want to give away a spoiler so I won’t say more. DATA: Story length: 310 pages. Swearing language: strong, including religious swear words. Sexual language: strong. Number of sex scenes: 5. Estimated number of sex scene pages: 35. Setting: current day Los Angeles, California, and Houston, Texas. Copyright: 2011. Genre: erotic contemporary romance.
2022-10-29 03:46