Meinl Be1R Berimbau e-kitap

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Meinl Be1R Berimbau Meinl Be1R Berimbau.


Meinl Be1R Berimbau e-Kitap PDF olarak ücretsiz

  • Yazar:
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  • ISBN-10:
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  • Yazar:
  • Fiyat: 864,78 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Meinl Be1R Berimbau


This is Max Barry's best book yet. It's playful, fun and yet has a lot to say about being human while not giving in to asinine spirituality. The main character is mostly an anti-hero who paradoxically gains humanity as he replaces his meat parts with machine parts. It's a very quick read too which makes it ideal plane reading. Enjoy

2020-09-05 09:16


Great book, that I think most people are able to relate to.

2020-08-05 22:59

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