Morden Dosyası (Cep Boy) e-kitap

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Morden Dosyası (Cep Boy) Bu yaz, Cavendish Ailesi'nin mönüsünde Norveç spesiyaliteleri, Somon, gece yarısı güneşi ve. yağlı kâğıta ceset var! Olivia ve Jonathan Cavendish, aneleri Tiphaine'nin bir sonraki turistik rehberini hazırladığı Norveç'te tatilerini geçiriyorlar. Morden'ın küçük limanında, Elan kafasına ve sazan balığı görüntüsüne sahip somon üreticisi Olrik'le tanışıyorlar. Jonathan, bu komik adamı hiç sempatik bulmuyor ve Olrik'in cep telefonunda okuduğu şüpheli bir SMS'le onun hakındaki kuşkuları iyice artıyor. Ya bu garip adam bir katilse? Gece yarısı güneşi Norveç denizinin bulanık sularında parlamaya başlıyor. Morden'de fırtına zamanı. Venedik'te İki Ölüm ve Londra’da Kirli Bir Gece romanlarındaki Cavendish Ailesi ile tekrar birlikteyiz. Cavendish Ailesi serisi devam ediyor….


Morden Dosyası (Cep Boy) e-Kitap PDF olarak ücretsiz

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  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
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  • Fiyat: 2,50 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Morden Dosyası (Cep Boy)


Imre Lakatos, Paul Feyerabend, their father figure Karl Popper, and their adjunct Thomas Kuhn - it's hard not to think of these four philosophers as being of a piece, even (especially?) when they disagree, because their disagreements were usually so exceedingly affectionate. So reading the correspondence between Lakatos and Feyerabend is peeking into the workaday lives of a cadre of philosophers. They talk about womanizing, Berkeley politics, travel, conferences, etc. They also talk about their philosophical concerns (mostly the effectiveness of science as a predictive tool, its simliarities/dissimilarities with other ways of knowing, its cultural uniqueness in the West) in these sometimes unprompted, unrehearsed and underdigested letters. The upside is you can read Lakatos's masterpiece Proofs and Refutations all day and never quite understand what's behind the text, but here, he just lays it all out. You also get a portrait of the firebrand Feyerabend as a middle-aged wonk that is pretty contrary to all the molotov cocktail-throwing in his published writings. The downside is that a lot of this correspondence is really boring. For people who are interested in Popper and his philosophical progeny, this may be valuable. For others, these are not the droids you're looking for.

2022-12-25 22:03


Easy read. How one perfect day can unfolds as tragic yet hopeful. It's what we all hope doesn't happen to us

2022-10-29 03:34

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