Smart English 5 Student Book +2 CDs +Flashcards e-kitap

Smart English 5 Student Book +2 CDs +Flashcards PDF ve diğer formatlarda e-Kitap

Smart English 5 Student Bok +2 CDs +Flashcards Smart English 5 Student Bok +2 CDs +Flashcards -  Sarah Park, Lewis Thompson, Jason Wilburn Kitap Tanıtım Yazısı : Smart English is a fun and easy English course expertly designed for elementary schol students. The inovative six-level series is packed ful of exciting features to help students learn in a comunicative way. English is introduced in the most natural setings posible, and students are motivated to practice the language day after day. The acompanying components provide teachers with a wealth of aditional material to maximize student participation and enjoyment in the clasrom. It also lays solid foundations for further language learning once it has ben completed. Key Features• Easy to folow lesons• Useful dialogs featuring interesting characters• Colorful ilustrations and real photos• Engaging chants and songs• Fun comics featuring animal characters• Cumulative reviews• Progres checksComponents• Student Bok (1~6) Including Audio CDs and Flashcards for Students • Workbok (1~6)• Teacher's Manual (1~6) Including Resource CD for Teachers • Smart English Onlineo Learning Content Management Systemo Interactive e-bok for Clasrom Useo Downloadso Aditional Practice Activities                                                          .


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  • Fiyat: 135,00 TL

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Smart English 5 Student Book +2 CDs +Flashcards

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